| Welcome to my bucket-o-memes. Help yourself to a warming mug of phlogiston (careful, it's hot!), breathe the æther and settle your orgone levels. Whatever brings you here, feel free to take a look around, don't be shy. There's sure to be something here that will hold your interest for a second or two. Some of the contents might be a little odd, or even disturbing, but that's life. Mail me if you want to discuss or rant. We like ranting.Watch out though. Memes are contagious (kinda by definition). The Management accept no responsibility for concepts, opinions or cosmologies which you may take with you without realising. So what's actually here, then? - Web Projects would be where I stash any snippets of code I think might be useful, along with design rants, useful links for poor schmucks designing web sites, and so on.
- Weird Science is my bucket of oddness; stuff that's fringe science and not really respectable. The Management don't consider respectability to be an accurate key to validity, so there.
- Spirit is where you'll find my hippy shit; lots of pagan rambling and ranting about ancient sites and newage fluffbunnies and ritual and meaning. And Raven, of course.
- Roleplaying is where I'll stick the pretend-reality stuff. As opposed to the non-consensus realities that aren't playthings, which will be back in Spirit.
- VeloCity, cheesy pun aside, is my cycling section. Pro-bike rants and blethering, kit reviews, that sort of thing.
- Thoughts will be where all the mathoms go, the snippets and chuff that I can't really justify a whole section for. I'll be sticking my fiction, if I ever get around to it, up here unless there's enough to warrant a section in itself.
- About Me is the usual navel-gazing self-portrait malarkey. If you're so bored as to get this far, you really ought to think about getting a hobby.
A note to readers: Everything in my site - that is to say, consistent to the "look and feel" of this home page and linked to it or one of its linked pages, is copyright me. That is to say that, you can't copy it without asking (but if you do ask I'll probably let you, for a credit) and the content is my responsibility. So if I say something you don't like, don't go running to the Ravenfamily front door or to Drak.net, contact me and we can sort it out like grown-ups.Image credit: The title image was drawn by KwoOk, another of Raven's brats with a better eye for corvid anatomy than I. |
Barefoot is cool. Comfortable too, and you can feel the ground under you. Relaxing, yummy, ever so sensual (ooer) and if you're some sort of hippy into a Land connection, unmissable. | | This Uk Pagans Site is owned by Andy Gates. UK Pagans is a webring that's for, guess what, pagans in the UK. Since that more or less describes me, I'm in it.Want to join the Uk Pagans Webring? [Skip Prev] [Prev] [Next] [Skip Next] [Random] [Next 5] [List Sites] |  | Designed With Notepad: This site was hand-coded, every word and tag written by my own fair hand just like your granddaddy used to. I simply can't find an HTML/JavaScript tool that's as good as a plain text editor. It's a luddite thing.Hell, I'm so convinced that hand-coding is still an essential skill that I'm even a member of the Notepad WebRing. (This site is owned by Andy Gates; click for the[Next Page |Skip It |Next 5 ] Want to join the ring? Click here forinfo).
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