Training Diary
January 30, 2003
- Back and biceps today, and a good fun day it was too. I got a chance to try out my Metolius Eco Ball, a hippy chalk substitute which doesn't leave icky residue. It's absolutely brilliant - the increase in grip was so great that the bar took chunks of skin off. They're dead cheap from climbing shops.
Also in the news was the girly who was training at the same time I was, who had the biggest, hardest, most shockingly vascular arms I've seen on a woman in the flesh. Most impressive. Judging from her overall build - all arms and shoulders while being light in the leg - she's a climber. Didn't chat other than the usual "are you using this?" blether. That I was able to focus on my lifts rather than turn into a dribbling arse probably means that I'm properly focused. Quite a babe, though. Oh yes.
Oh yes, here's what I did today. I think this puts the final nail in the chins-at-the-end-of-back-day coffin; next time I'll start with them and see if they kill my deadlifts instead..
Deadlift 50kg x12, 80kgx11, 100kgx8. That last was hard; consolidate one more week before increasing the weight.
Stiff-legged deadlift 50kg x 12, 60kg x10, 70kg x7. Massive, thick lower back pump. Repeat at that weight and aim for ten on that last set.
Seated cable row #6 x12, #7 x11, #8 x10. Consolidate for a week.
Assisted chins at 50% assist x4, then I fell off!
Standing EZ-barbell curl 15kg x10, 6, 6.
January 29, 2003
- Patchy chest day, running out of gumption. Managed:
Bench press 20kg x12, 25kg x7, 6.
Incline bench press 12.5kg x10, 7, 6.
Shoulder press 10kg x 10, 6, 5... and then it all went a bit arse (10kg is supposed to be the warm-up!).
January 22, 2003
- Good legs day. Ab work was a bit grim, as I had too large a lunch too soon before training. D'oh!
Squat 60kg x12 80kg x11 90kg x10. Up another five kilos next time. Superset with...
Standing calf raise 220kg x16, 270kg x16, 320kg x16. Scrappy; repeat.
Incline crunch x15, x10. Grim. Keep at it.
January 16, 2003
- Somewhat patchy back-and-biceps day. From this we learn that chins just don't work after deadlifts - so do chins first next time. Skipped the bicep curls 'cos I was on a tight timeline.
Deadlift: 50kg x12, 80kg x10, 100kg x8. Had to pause for breath there, do the same again next week to consolidate.
Stiff-legged deadlift: 55kg x12, 10, 10. Easy and dull, let's try 50-60-70 next week.
Cable row: #6 x11, #7 x11, #8 x10. Try for 12, 11, 10 next time, then go up a plate.
Chins 100lb assist x5.
January 15, 2003
- Bench day. Full range of motion on the inclines was bloody hard; I did the shoulder presses lopsided (14/12kg, doh!); the dips went swimmingly with the handles narrow (though it was kinda cosy).
Bench press 20kg x12 25kg x10, x6.
Incline bench press 15kg x5, 12.5kg x6, 5.
Dumbbell shoulder press 10kg x10, 12kg x6, 5 (ish)
Dumbbell shrug 35kg x10, x10, x10.
Dips 76lb assist x10, x10, x6.
January 13, 2003
- Only about thirty miles last week - bad weather and logistics conspired against me. Blob week this week so probably not super-mileage coming up either. Still, here's some decent gymming:
Squats 55kg x12, 75kg x11, 85kg x10. Up this by 5kg next time.
Calf raise 220kg x15, 270kg x15, 320kg x15. Whee, to 17!
Incline crunch 15, 9. Blimey that's hard. Keep progressing.
January 10, 2003
- Back day, after work. Nice incremental progress.
Deadlift 50kg x11, 80kg x9, 100kg x 5.
Stiff-legged deadlift 55kg x9, x9, 60kg x9.
Seated row #6 x11, #7 x11, #8 x11 (iffy form, consolidate).
Chins, 100lb assist, nothing, grip and biceps fleffed.
Farmer's walk, 35kg dumbbells, almost one circuit.
January 08, 2003
- Cycling was fun in the snow! Chest, triceps and shoulders again today, nice incremental progress:
Bench press 20kg x10, 25kg x9, 5.
Incline bench press 12.5kg x10, 6, 5.
Dumbbell shoulder press 10kg x10, 12kg x5, 5.
Dumbbell shrug 35kg x9, 9, 9.
Dips 76lb assist (plate #14) x10, 6, 5.
January 07, 2003
- Legs and abs and then a tooth out. Busy day.
Squats 55kg x10, 75kg x10, 85kg x8; failure was with the lower back stabilisers, implying poor form, bent over too far forward perhaps. Keep at it until you rep 85x10 then raise the weight.
Calf raise 215kg x17, 265kg x17, 315kg x17. Blimey, that's heavy.
Inclince crunch, bench at #3, 15, 8. Keep at it until you're repping 15, 15.
January 06, 2003
- Weekly mileage 72.9. There's a cold snap on so expect a short week coming. Weight 103.8Kg, 32.5% bodyfat.
January 03, 2003
- Lunchtime back and biceps. Still nice and quiet.
Deadlift 50kg x10 80kgx8 100kg x4 (oops! misread the plates and overloaded, meant to do 50, 70, 85. Ah well!)
Stiff-legged deadlift 50kg x8,8,8. Lower back very, very tight now.
Preacher curl 15kg x10, 10, 8.
Seated row #6 x10, #7 x10, #8 x8.
January 02, 2003
- Lunchtime chest, triceps and shoulders. Felt good, had the place to myself, and form was tidy even if the numbers were low.
Bench press 20kg x8, 25kg x6, x5.
Incline bench press 10kg x10, 12.5kg x8, x5.
Shoulder press 10kg x10, 8, 6 superset with
Shrugs 35kg x 8, 8, 8
Dips at a fair assist, to failure (which wasn't much, 'cos the bench had already mullered them).
Note: Since flat, incline and dips (being the same angle as decline) are the three angles of attack for chest exercises that aren't flye-types, it's probably worth mixing up the order I do them so that I don't always underwork one just because it is last.
Got to the end and not found the entry you're looking for? Check the archive for older stuff. This blog started on May 1st 2002, so don't expect to find anything before then.