Training Diary
June 23, 2003
- Yesterday: 2 mile run in incredible heat, total weekly mileage 51.7.
June 19, 2003
- Chest, triceps and shoulders. Good session and some decent chat in the breaks too.
Free barbell bench press 20kg x10, 30kg x7, 40kg x3, x2. Felt good, getting the arch in my back now. Could have gone harder with a spotter.
Hang clean 15kg x12, 20kg x6, 25kg x5, 30kg x4, 35kg x2. Much heavier weight today, stopped because form was going iffy.
Dips x1.5. The assisted dip machine was out of order so I had to do unassisted. After bench and cleans? Yeah, right!
EZ barbell curl 15kg x10, 17.5kg x10, 20kg x10, 22.5kg x4. Another increased weight.
Farmer's walk 50kg x1 lap. This is too heavy. Go back to the 40's and try for multiple laps.
June 18, 2003
- Morning run before brekkie: just over a mile - a short one to get my lungs back after the weekend's horrible hayfever attacks.
- Oops, forgot to blog the epic five mile run I did on Saturday. Dang.
June 11, 2003
- Squats!
Warmup, 500m on the rower at #7.
Squats 70kg x10, 95kg x8, 115kg x5.
Standing calf raise 230kg x18, 280kg x18, 330kg x18 (14, 4) superset with:
Incline crunch, #3, x15, 10, 8.
Warrmdown on the recumbent bike for five minutes.
June 09, 2003
- Two mile run. Puff gasp.
June 07, 2003
- Bench day today. Really good, hard, heavy session. Finally got to introduce myself to the last piece of hardcore kit in the gym - the tattly, ugly old 50kg dumbbells. Which did ugly things to me :)
Smith machine bench press 30kg x12, 42.5kg x6, 52.5kg x5, x3.
Hang clean 15kg x10, 20kg x9, x9, 25kg x6.
EZ barbell curl 15kg x12, 17.5kg x9, 20kg x7.
Farmer's walk, 50kg dumbbells, one lap, two stops. Bestial!
Dips, unassisted. One. Then it all went spasmy and giggly.
Also, 3/4 mile run first thing in the morning.
June 04, 2003
- Since I'm a bit restricted in how often I can go heavy, I thought I'd have a tickle at other non-tonnage stuff. Thus begins every-day-on-the-bike, run-before-breakfast man. I could do with losing some of this 'ere non-contributory mass, so I could. 104 kilos indeed. Oy. Today: gentle run up to the first dip on the way to Elstone. Puff wheeze :)
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