Training DiaryNovember 30, 2003 - Bit of an interruption in publication there, due to Drak.net having a colossal server burp which buggered my blog. Normal service will now be resumed.21st - 16 miles bike. 22nd - 16 miles bike (there's a theme here!). 23rd - 1.5 mile run. Blimey that was harder than it ought to have been. Intend to start my days off with a short run before brekkie from now on. 16 miles bike. Home upperbody, short and sharp. Minimal rest between supersets of bench and hang cleans, then bar curls. Finish with a bit of Five Lotus Petals to come down. Lovely pump, very invigorating, very explosive - weights were okay. A few days ago I did a carbohydrate intolerance test. The idea is that you come off carbs for a couple of weeks (in the manner of the Atkins diet) and see if your overall energy levels and mood improve. By mid-afternoon I was shaky despite having eaten plenty of non-carb food (roast chicken and coleslaw, lots of water). By 22:00, I was in a ghastly zombie state I can only describe as Un-bonk. The Un-bonk is bonked [1] but still has this sump-end dreg of energy that keeps it moving, thinking slowly, and lurching around the place. I was muttering "bread... bread..." not "brains... brains..." but the idea was the same. I aborted the test after getting preipheral hallucinations, whole-body spasms and giggles, and spontaneous jerky weeping. I figured that all of the lights on my board were now red, and went to get a pasty. Fifteen minutes later I was feeling great again. I now need to determine what that means: I *think* it means that my insulin levels are very poorly regulated (which is corroborated by my tendency to bonk fast and my level of body fat). But I need those carbs to keep the fires burning. If that's the case, I reckon that shifting my diet to much lower GI carbs, but keeping plenty of them, should be an overall benefit. [1] Bonk: What cyclists call the blood sugar crash known to runners as the Wall and to other athletes as the Knock. All strength and most mental function are suddenly and dramatically impaired and its just horrid. It is possible to work through it, at which time you're burning fat rather than food for fuel, but I find it bloody hard to do. 16 miles morning bike. Also an experimental zero-carb day to test for carb intolerance, which ended up at about 8pm with my shaking, hysterical and with all the lights red (so I had a pasty and all got good again). Analysis of that later. Upper body at home. Pleasant mild night, moon in the clouds, lovely. 16 miles morning bike. 16 miles morning bike. Home upperbody, aborted by a dodgy right wrist: 102.4kg @ 31%bf.