Training DiaryJanuary 31, 2005 - Run. Dear gods, run? Yep. One mile in 10:28, which goes to show how out of shape I've got.Fixie around town, half a dozen miles or so. The bike's setup is still way, way off, with the bars far too low. I'll get a higher stem, but if that doesn't sort it, I may have to revert to the flat bars (boo hiss). In, the loneliest Critical Mass ever, and the train back, so 20 miles. Ride home as well? Bah, I was full of beer. There and back: 30 miles. Been slack on the posting: rode in and back once (30mi), in once (19mi), and a couple of miles of trailer chores. No lifting: my kit is outside and the weather has been special. Just six miles trailer chores today. Home uppers, quickie for all the usual quickie reasons. 30 mile regular commute. Dear gods. Weighed myself for the first time since before the festive break. 104Kg! Shit! Time to cut back on the cheese scones and to stop eating like a cyclist on days I don't ride! 30-miler today, heavy winds, slooooooow. Good to be riding again, though. Eight really hard miles on the fixie: bike setup wasn't quite right. Got back absolutely starving and thirsty and my legs are knacked. Ah well, eh? Home session in the dark. Thor and the Milky Way for company, which was all rather enjoyable. Recovering-form style progress as expected.