Training DiaryNovember 17, 2005 - 30 mile commute, crisp and cold and rather nice.#12: Pretty good, got some nice form pointers watching the middleweight ladies in Doha on Eurosport. This reminds me of the weightlifting corollory to Laszlo's Chinese Relativity Theorem: Somewhere in the world, a little Chinese girl is using your max for a warm-up. * Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 22kg x3+2, 30kg x3+2, 35kg x2+1, 40kg x2+1 16 485 * Power Clean + Push Jerk 40kg x3+2, 45kg x3+2, 50kg xclean, x1+1, x1+1. 15 675 * Front Squat 50kg x8, 55kg x6, 60kg x6. 1090 20 Total 51 lifts, 2250kg. #11. First session back after illness. Form wasn't beautiful on anything. Power snatch above knees 20kg x3, 30kg x3, 35kg x3, 40kg x3. 12, 375 Power clean above knees 35kg x3, 45kg x3, 50kg x3, 65kg x1. 10, 455 Back squat, arse to the grass, 50kg x8, 70kg x8, 90kg x5. 21, 1410 Behind neck press, snatch grip, 20kg x8, 22kg x8, x4. 20, 424 Total 63 lifts, 2664 kg. 7 miles round-town fixie errands. Just a one-mile shambling job, to get this lurgy moving. Four miles on the bike, slow and wheezy, but we were out of milk. Coughing and rough.