Training DiaryNovember 19, 2007 - Short morning swim, not so great - sore legs and arse from yesterday evening's run.Really nice evening run uplifted by the speedchumpery of Dragonforce: 35:40, TE 4.5, AHr 166, MHR 187 (new max!), 614 kcal, mostly over zone 3 (!), 5.5km at average 6:27/km. Turbo pyramid session: Warm up for 10 minutes, then +5 BPM for 5 minutes up to a peak 160/165 mini-interval set, then down again for a total 43:00. TE 4.0, AHR 152, MRH 166, 672 kcal, all z3. Might have to tweak those zones. 9 miles easy pootle to Chuffy & Bags's: TE 2.5, AHR 122, MHR 161, 510 kcal. Morning commute on the fixie, 10 miles, TE 3.2, AHR 137, MHR 171, 638 kcal. 3.1km dawn run in 19:30, TE 2.9, AHR 144, MHR 171, 244 cal, mostly zone 3, 6:20/km. Surfing! Surfing! Really hard work in rippy short-period stuff. Evening bike commute on the road bike: 10 miles, TE 2.9, AHR 130, MHR 161, 530 cal, zone 2 then even 1 and 3. Bike commute on the road bike: 10 miles, TE 2.6, AHR 128, MHR 161, 455 cal, zones 1 and 2. Evening archery practice, 2h. Evening bike commute: 10 miles on fixie. Really lovely hard, fast, wooshy ride. TE 3.5. AHR 143, MHR 163, mostly zones 2/3. Morning bike commute: 10 miles on fixie, TE 3, AHR 132, MHR 160, mostly zone 2. 3km run in 19:07, TE 3.0, AHR 154, MHR 166, all zone 3. 6:08/km. Morning swim: First structured swim for ages. 100m warm-up; 200m in 50m body-position drills with 30s rests; 400m in 9:50; 100m mixed gunelling around warmdown.