teaches Fitting In by Imitation.
Mockingbird is a master impersonator, able to mimic almost any sound
it hears. This ability is reflected in its latin Latin name, corvus
rich little, meaning "annoying talentless hack". Those who have
Mockingbird as an ally are damned to a life of imitation, never being able
to have an original thought or create anything meaningful themselves.
Mockingbird must therefore rely on the actions and opinions of others for
- Mockingbird's special Gift is Imitating Car Alarms.
Mouse teaches Humility and Attention to Detail.
Mouse is one of the smallest of all the animal kingdom, and because
of this, often overlooked. But remember the tale of the lion and
the mouse...the mouse was the only one able to take the thorn out of the
lion's paw. It is its size and attention to detail that allowed Mouse
to succeed when all others had failed. It is also its size and attention
to detail that keeps it distracted, thus making it the chief food source
for all the other animals.
- Mouse's special Gift is Breeding Like Roaches and Getting Eaten by Everyone.
Orca teaches Strength over Weakness.
Orca is the great predator of the sea. Orca is the killer whale
and he, like Dolphin, hunts with a smile. He was one of the first animals
and is sacred to the Haida people. His strength is in his family and this
makes him snotty about people he doesn't know. Two orca pods can live not
20 miles from each other and yet use completely different dialects. He
is reluctant to share what he knows, even with others of his own kind,
unless they are family. This makes Orca children prone to forming cliques
and little groups with their friends whom they consider to be the only ones worth talking to, and also makes
them very insular. Another of Orca's tricks is to herd small, defenceless
prey animals into somewhere from which it is impossible to escape, with
the help of his pod mates, and then play with the prey. This notably happens
with baby seals. This means that Orca children may often be found being
cruel to people smaller and weaker than themselves.
- Orca's special Gift is Being a Big Bully and Playing With Your Food.
Otter teaches playfulness and the ability to be at home in both
Lord Balgair, King Otter, was great hunter and feared for his nimble
swiftness. In mythology, Otter was revered for his ability
to move effortlessly both in and out of the water. In reality, Otter couldn't
give a fuck about anything other than playing around, floating on his back
in the water eating crabs whilst balancing stones on his belly and making
baby otters.
- Otter's Special Gift is Arsing Around and Collecting Unemployment Cheques.
Owl teaches Stealth and Mystery.
Owl has a long history in the occult and folklore. This is
due in part to Owl's unique appearance and its nocturnal tendencies.
Owl is an amazing hunter, being capable of totally silent flight.
This unique ability is totally wasted on the ignorant Owl, as it is totally
unable to Keep its Damned Mouth Shut. It loves to shriek out as it
is chasing its prey, thus alerting dinner of the potential threat.
- Owl's special Gift is Sneaking Up On Things While Shouting "Look Behind You."
Panther teaches inner strength and protection.
Panther calls to mind that most famous, Bagheera from The Jungle Book,
protector of the Man Cub, Mowgli. Those who read the book, rather than
relying on Disney's sugarcoated version, would better understand that
Panther, while maternal and nurturing, is the Coyote of the cat world.
She speaks with a California surfer accent, dude, and is so chill that
they ain't nothing could harsh her mellow.
She's too concerned with looking cool and staying out of direct
sunlight...closer inspection of her trademark blacker-than-black coat
reveals that she is really just a leopard with a bad dye
job..."panthers" don't exist, they're just really dark leopards.
- Panther's special Gift is Blending In With The Natives...Poorly.
Rabbit teaches fertility and self-preservation.
Rabbit is commonly associated with birth due to its tremendous
fertility. A baby rabbit is able to fend for itself within 28 days of
its birth. This is significant in that the cycle of the moon is also
28 days, suggesting a mystical connection to the moon. The truth of
the matter is that rabbits cannot actually count higher than 28. Most
of its head mass, usually reserved for brains, is taken up by its huge
ears. Because of these ears, it would be natural to assume that Rabbit
has good hearing. In fact, the opposite is true. The massive ears are
not used for hearing, as one would think, but rather to receive
short-wave radio transmissions; Rabbit's chief means of communication.
- Rabbit's special Gift is a Good-Tasting Stew.
Rat teaches adaptability and resourcefulness.
Rat has long been thought of as a pest; always popping up where
uninvited and stealing food. This is due in part to Rat's ability
to survive on its wits in even the most hostile of environments; i.e.
human cities. Rat, like its close relative Cockroach, thrives on
scraps and anything it can manage to scavenge. Rat has become so
accustomed to living on trash that not only has it become immune to
most illnesses, but real food has long since become totally poisonous.
Any food eaten without even the slightest bit of mildew or parasites
will send a rat into violent convulsions, ultimately ending in death.
- Rat's special Gift is the Plague.
Raven teaches shapeshifting and magic.
Raven has long been thought of as one of the Creators. The native Americans of the Pacific Northwest have many tales of how Raven created
the world, how Raven invented fire and many others. Raven is capable
of all these things because of his tremendous intuition, which he never
shares with anyone. Those who follow Raven can expect to be put into
many very difficult situations without a clue as to how to get out of
them. Raven children are capable of incredible magic, but are
invariably unable to explain any of it, or even use it to their
advantage. Raven's children have the least control over their lives.
- Raven's special Gift is Intuitively Knowing Totally Useless Crap About People You Don't Know.
Seal teaches deceptive fluidity.
In Scottish folklore, the silkie is a seal that turns into a young girl
when it comes out of the water, and the seal is regarded as a magical
animal for its ability to vanish with barely a ripple. This is
presumably because it is difficult to tell the difference between a
sleeping seal colony and a bunch of plump young girls moonbathing on
rocks when you've had one dram for the road too many and you are
staggering home.
Seals are also killed indiscriminately by fishermen for eating salmon.
Seal children tend to hide at the first sign of danger, and then get
distracted and forget what it was that had frightened them, and yet
often fail to notice the man with the club sneaking up behind them.
They also tend to be awkward and clumsy when not in their favoured
- Seal's special Gift is Getting the same diseases as dogs and Making a Lovely Fur Coat.
Snake teaches healing and sexuality.
Snake lorem ipsum yourmom
- Snake's special Gift is Something or Other.
Spider teaches interconnectedness.
Spider blah blah blah cannibal blah blah blah web blah blah blah maguire blah.
- Spider's special Gift is mummification.
Squirrel teaches foresight and the importance of preparedness.
Squirrel is a common sight in most city parks and tree-lined streets.
Usually, Squirrel is seen darting back and forth, ceaselessly running
up and down trees, searching for and storing food. This has long
served as a good example for the foresight Squirrel has been linked
with; storing food found in the plentiful months in anticipation of the
lean winter months. The reality couldn't be further from the truth.
Squirrel couldn't care less about keeping itself fed in the winter; its
ceaseless search for food has nothing to do with food at all. Squirrel
is, in fact, a serious methamphetamine addict. The constant buzzing
between places is a result of the massive amount of chemicals Squirrel
keeps in its system. Squirrel is not hoarding food; it delusional with
paranoia and is trying to hide it from all its perceived enemies.
- Squirrel's special Gift is Always Having A Spotless House. Always.
Stork teaches birth and communication.
Stork is well-known in folklore for delivering new babies. This is due in
part to its tremendous dedication as a parent. Storks often use the
same nest every year, implying a sense of domestic stability. Despite
all these wonderful attributes, the downside to Stork is that it is
completely mythological. No-one has ever seen a real one.
- Stork's special Gift is Ignorance of Scientific Fact.