Archive for February, 2001
by ravenbait on Feb.01, 2001, under Miscellany
If you are a member of a list that is hosted with the formerly known as onelist, formerly known as Egroups, now called Yahoogroups, I really do advise you read the Yahoo! Terms of Service. Particularly paragraph 8. I really hate the way they are swallowing up everything and claiming intellectual copyright to so much stuff.
by ravenbait on Feb.01, 2001, under Miscellany
Earth Car Free Day – I think the website is ugly, but the idea is important. I always find myself siappointed at Christmas because there are still cars on the road. I’d love it if there was one day a year when there was no motorised transport at all. Just bikes and feet and horses. Can you imagine the effect on background noise levels and the difference in the way the air would smell?
by ravenbait on Feb.01, 2001, under Miscellany
“Killer clicks” is another article from New Scientist about dolphins using sound to stun their prey. It’s in the latest news section. That strikes me as really weird. I’ve watched plenty of footage of dolphins hunting, and I’ve met a few dolphins, and Dolphin has always been pretty special to me. It always seemed pretty obvious to me that they used the sonar not just for locating but for making catching the prey easier. Well, given an ability like that you would, wouldn’t you?
by ravenbait on Feb.01, 2001, under Miscellany
This article about Darwin applied to spacecraft is pretty fascinating stuff. It sort of reminds me of the first Star Trek movie, crap as that was. V-Ger (Voyager) returning from centuries of change while drifting through the universe and wanting only to have a friend. It does make me wonder what would happen if one of these evolving craft got lost somehow or just how much it could change even during the course of a successful mission that went largely to plan.