
Dude! Like… srsly.

May.19, 2007, filed under Miscellany

Grrr!A couple of years ago my lower left wisdom tooth decided to make an appearance. Several years late, but still.

Many people told me I would have to have it removed. What with wisdom teeth being necessarily EEEEEEEEVIIIIIL! I told them where to stick it. My bloody wisdom tooth and I’m keeping it. So there.

It hasn’t all been pleasant. I don’t have a huge mouth. I had to have a couple of teeth removed when younger for lack of space, and there’s a slight overlap of the teeth at the bottom on the front because the jaw isn’t really big enough to have them all crammed in there. But me and that wisdom tooth, we’re doing okay. We’re getting there. It’s taking it’s own sweet time about it, and when I last saw my dentist she tapped it and said: “Partially erupted. There’s not really enough room for that in there.”

I argued for its preservation, on the basis that it wasn’t giving me any trouble (I didn’t tell her about the aches or the occasional swelling and bleeding or the strangely good sensation of my jaw stretching to accomodate, which feels like scratching an itch inside the bone). My bloody tooth. I’m keeping it.

Only now, guess what, well beyond ‘fashionably late’, the lower right wisdom tooth has decided to join the party. I’ve felt it crawling about and wriggling over the past few years but didn’t think it had the balls to go for it. Last week I noticed a sly corner poking out right at the back and a quick exploration with a finger revealed that yes indeedy, there’s another tooth coming through there.

If there was insufficient space for the left one, there really isn’t any room at all for the right. There is going to be trouble. I can tell.

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