Nov.13, 2007, filed under Miscellany
If you are one of the speakers at the Cycling Scotland conference, and I approach you to take issue with your assertion that cyclists must perforce be segregated from traffic for their own good, please do not make the mistake of saying that a cyclist who chooses to ride on the road when a facility has been provided is a lunatic.
I will not be impressed.
Also, do not then be surprised if I express my lack of impressedness.
Additionally, do not try to claim that infrastructure is the only way to gain increased levels of cycling when eny fule kno the congestion charge did the job quite admirably (go Hamster Hammond!) Just because the MSP present did not want even to contemplate the stick rather than the carrot approach, it does not mean that PEOPLE WHO DO NOT CYCLE KNOW WHAT MAKES FOR GOOD CYCLING.
I always dreaded the day when the people responsible for cycling transport policy would come to the official position that existing cyclists do not matter. Today was that day.
I should know that when I go to these things I always come away livid. Why then does it always take me by surprise just how furious I become?