
At least it’s over

Nov.23, 2007, filed under Miscellany

From HELL, I tell you.I have spent the majority of the last two days sitting in the public gallery in court. Two different courts, I might add, for two different purposes. They say “court sits” for a very good reason. Now, of course, my back has locked up because being still for so long simply isn’t good for me. Especially on seats designed to make sitting in the public gallery as uncomfortable an experience as being in the dock.

This torture culminated in the train ride from hell. I can say that because both the police and the British Transport Police were involved, and the train on which I was travelling was taken out of service as a result of the damage the stop after I got off.

To the young lady with the trembling lower lip and the silver Claude Butler who ignored my three offers to let her go when the guard on the 1704 from Stirling refused to allow more than plus one because it was “more than [his] job is worth to have three bikes so close to the toilet” (despite it being perfectly possible to stack carefully enough for all three bikes to take up the space of two loosely packed bikes) — you got the better end of that deal. I’m sorry if you were upset when I finally went ahead, although I did tell you to go three times and you stood there prevaricating. We would have ended up with neither of us getting a ride.

To be honest, I wish I’d stayed behind with you on the freezing cold platform. Gods I need a drink. And a hug. But Frood‘s out doing the drinkies thing with work.

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