
Things I learned today

Dec.13, 2007, filed under Miscellany

I want pizza!Dunblane Hydro is very swish and you have to tack up the hill to the front door if you’re riding a 70″ fixed.

Fly-tipping costs the taxpayer an estimated £11m/annum in Scotland alone BARE MINIMUM. Fly-tippers should be shot on sight, in my personal opinion. 78% of the wastes dumped are of the household domestic variety. I just don’t get it. They can take their rubbish to Civic Amenity sites for free. Why dump it? They still have to get in their cars and drive it out to their chosen dump site. In the middle of the night, mostly. Surely it would be easier just to take it somewhere appropriate.

My Pompino is distinctive enough that total strangers know where I work just cos they’ve seen my bike in the bike shed.

The girlie who had the trembling lip at Stirling a couple of weeks ago rode up to Bridge of Allan and got the next train. She rides a Raleigh, not a Claude Butler.

The coffee from the stall on Platform 2 at Haymarket tastes like shit all the time. It wasn’t a one-off. I will not buy from there again. I will go to the ATM just outside the station or across to Bean Scene.

And, totally unrelated, I have tomorrow and Monday off. Woohoo!

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