Someone please explain this to me
Dec.28, 2007, filed under Miscellany
As Frood is a ‘new man’ in the sense that he is more than passing familiar with such concepts as sharing of chores, and can talk about girl problems without blushing, I was perfectly comfortable adding tampons to the shopping list last time it was his turn to shop. I showed him the near-empty box I possessed so he would know which ones I wanted and off he went.
What he came back with was a box of these.
Now it wasn’t his fault. Because, I mean, who would think that anyone would come up with an idea quite as ridiculous as perfumed tampons? I don’t understand for the life of me what good they would do. Who’s going to smell them? And how? Is this some niche fetish that is beyond even my extensive experience? Surely you’d need to stick a tube up there and sniff that, unless you had yourself a lady so accomodating that the tampon would have a job staying up there in the first place.
The sheer practical ludicrousness is only part of it. As eny gurl kno, one’s intimate areas should not be subjected to scents and perfumes for an imbalance of the delicate flora will result, and the only possible outcome of that is raging thrush and the need for copious amounts of yoghurt.
And that’s before we get to the sheer insult of thinking that such a thing would be a good idea in the first place.
FFS. Perfumed tampons. The mind boggles.