It’s a tri-al (groan)
Jan.12, 2008, filed under Miscellany
So. No swimming today because Kirkcaldy is STILL closed for refurbishment, even though it was supposed to be a open again a week ago. Glenrothes is closed for a gala today (I think it’s today). So I was going to go for my first run since just before Christmas but then I checked the surfaces. Everything is iced up. Last thing I need is to fall on ice AGAIN and sustain another injury.
My first tri of the year is probably going to be Tranent. It’s two months away. That should be plenty of time to get fit. I didn’t do the New Year’s because, well, the weather was horrid and I really didn’t enjoy it last year.
My off season was supposed to be steady winter base training with a view to moving to longer distances, culminating in a middle distance come Autumn. Various factors have conspired to prevent me having the winter training that I really wanted — a new job with vastly increased commuting time, injury, pool closures and the weather have all played a part.
I really don’t want to give up on my middle distance goal for this year, but I’m wondering whether I have time to make up for the nearly three months of lost or intermittent training.