Oh, dude, no way!
Feb.22, 2008, filed under Miscellany
Words fail me. I can’t decide whether to laugh or cry. This is almost sick enough that I want one.
Hey kids! You too can play the role of the evil Dr Cornelius, taking the man who was once James Howlett, trapping him inside Barry Windsor’s extraordinary vision of the Weapon X Lab, and torturing him to the point where he is reduced to animalistic instincts and primordial rage by his own suffering!
Did they really think that through? I’m reminded of Levinson’s under-rated Toys, in which kids blithely try to beat their own hi-scores on various war games. Chillingly, it was never made clear in the film whether or not the kids had been told that the point was eventually to do it for real, controlling remote-controlled planes to shoot down the enemy. The way Levinson directed the actors playing the children, I was left with the distinct feeling that they wouldn’t have cared.
Maybe I’m over-reacting because I’m ill, and because I’m immersed in the Marvel mythos sufficiently to have a fairly good grasp of the intended moral and political significance of the Weapon X project (I’ve just finished reading the entire X-23 back catalogue, after all), but, seriously:
Where it all began! You can make Wolverine’s admantium skeleton in this fun playset. Playset includes Chamber with handle to inject Ooze into Wolverine mold to form an Admantium skeleton!
I’m kind of rendered speechless by the level of desensitisation it would take to consider the process of injecting liquid metal into a living creature — even one as cantankerous as the hairy runt — fun.
Might as well have a Fisher Price Slaughterhouse. It would be more humane.