
Time to put the word out

Feb.26, 2008, filed under Miscellany


20:00, 21st June 2008

Dumbarton Castle, Dumbarton

This time it’s personal…

Dumbarton to St Andrews. Overnight. By bicycle. From coast to shining coast, this far north the sun never truly sets.

Starting in the zombie-ridden wastelands that bank the River Clyde, we’ll take you first through a relentless set of climbs accompanied by clouds of blood-sucking insects that will bring about significant weight loss if you have to fix a puncture. Then we head into Scotland’s industrial heartland. Mile upon rolling mile of near deserted A-roads will see you skirt the Antonine Wall and slip ninja-like past Falkirk’s Great Wheel before descending towards Linlithgow, Queensferry and onto the Forth Road Bridge for dawn.

But it doesn’t end there. Take possibly your last chance of respite at the Wild Bean Cafe at Dalgety, watched with deep and abiding suspicion by the man behind the bullet-proof glass, and steel yourself for the interminable crawl around Fife’s sultry coast for a mid-morning finish in the grey North Sea.

There is no support. That’s why the gods invented multitools and puncture repair kits. There is no mid-way feeding station. If you’re lucky you will manage the navigational hazard that is Cumbernauld and find the all-night services. There is no transport to the start. How you get there is a matter of personal logistical planning. There are no return coaches. What do you think this is? Butlins?


Only the strong survive!

Oh, all right. We might manage some disposable BBQs and a sausage on the beach. If it’s not raining (stop laughing, class of ’07!) And we can probably stretch to a beer or three.

But only if you let us know you’re coming.

The Dumb Run. So tough it makes the Dunwich Dynamo look like a pootle to the pub.

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