Fort would be proud
May.04, 2008, filed under Miscellany
“Gah!!! What the FUCK is that?”
I’m looking out of the window. It’s dark. We’re watching our fave TV show (NCIS – Abby is so hot). I have seen a UFO. Possibly an earthlight. Definitely not a will-o’-the-wisp. It’s moving too damn fast.
Frood, used to me seeing things, gets up and has a peer. His usual expression of “Here we go again” is replaced by a fascinated grin.
Outside, on the rough ground behind our block of flats between us and the old gas storage structure (so Robert Rankin), an incredibly bright green thing is darting around. I can’t judge how far away it is or how big it is. One moment it seems to be on the ground and quite big, the next it seems to be on the outside of our window and really quite small.
“It’s chasing da bunnies!” I exclaim, as one of our resident lapine population takes fright.
“It’s a laser pointer,” Frood tells me. “Someone is chasing da bunnies with a laser pointer.”
I’m instantly a tad concerned that the laser could blind one of the rabbits and contemplate knocking on the doors above us to find out who’s doing it and get him to stop. The green light vanishes.
Fortean mystery to potential animal abuse in one easy step.