
Sam’s mini review: Iron Man

May.07, 2008, filed under Miscellany

Woah! Dude!

I had to sit through 2 hours of Robert Downey Jr playing action hero (admittedly doing a good job) and the inevitable long big punch-up plus the credits for 5 measley seconds of Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury?

Nick Fury should have doing his “the man” thing from about 20 minutes in. And no way do they get to retcon SHIELD into being part of the “war on terror”. No. Dude. No way. SHIELD = UN task force. Not part of the Dept of Homeland Security. On that I will not budge.

So now I have to hang on and hope that when the New Avengers finally gets together they make a good job of it.

All that aside, though, Robert Downey Jr managed to make me like Tony Stark. That’s some feat. And the suit was cool.

I wish Jarvis at the League could render and fabricate like that.

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