
Do you think he sees the irony?

May.23, 2008, filed under Miscellany

A car dealership in the United States is offering a free handgun with every vehicle sold.

Mr Muller said that every buyer so far “except one guy from Canada and one old guy” chose the gun, rather than the gas card.

He recommends a Kel-Tec .380 pistol, which he describes as “a nice little handgun that fits in your pocket”.

He added that the promotion was inspired by recent comments from one of the Democratic nominees for the presidential election, saying: “We did it because of Barack Obama.

“He said all those people in the Midwest, you’ve got to have compassion for them because they’re clinging to their guns and their Bibles. I found that quite offensive. We all go to church on Sunday and we all carry guns.”

Yeah. I think that was kind of Obama’s point.

I don’t like cars and I don’t like guns. I know the argument is that guns don’t kill people, people do. Same can be said for cars. Both are pieces of equipment that cause death and injury to thousands every year, and we do very little about it. We’ll ban smoking in public, make drugs illegal, prevent people doing all sorts of things that may be risky but do no harm to anyone else: and yet across the world we hum and hah over guns and cars.

Being fat, smoking or drinking are now considered socially unacceptable, because of the health implications. But driving around in a car? Everyone does it.

To me it seems suitably fitting that you buy a car and you get a gun. Both are tools that will kill people. One of them is designed specifically to do that outright: the other one just kills incidentally, whether in the carnage of a wreck or the slow death of air pollution and lack of exercise.

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