Time flies
May.29, 2008, filed under Miscellany
About 15 years ago Frood and I were living in a little flat above a garage in Southampton, just off Highfield Road. After we moved out of that flat it wasn’t until we moved to Scotland 2 years ago that we had our own (i.e. not shared) place. That was a great year, in that tiny flat in Southampton.
We got engaged when I was just 17, and, having had him in my life ever since, Frood is responsible for many things about me. One of them is a liking for black pepper. Another is my rather eclectic music taste. He turned me on to English Folk Music. He also turned me on to prog and psychedelic rock.
I’m working from home today and thus have the benefit of the stereo system. Last year I finally bought my long-desired copy of Warrior On The Edge Of Time. We’d only had a copy on second-hand tape before. Today I stuck it in the stereo because I’ve been listening to Faith No More a lot and wanted something different.
As soon as Assault and Battery came on I was right there in that flat in Southampton, with the Morning Glory growing on the fence around the Scout hut opposite; the smell of that wooden dresser in which we kept all our student-cheap dried goods; the sun baking the bathroom; the cat sulking about not being allowed in the bedroom; the desk tidy I’d made out of Irn Bru tins taped together; and Frood chopping carrots in that purple top he used to own.
We both had long hair then. He has short hair now but I’ve grown mine again. Other than the hair, the rather less parsimonious diet and the change of scenery, I don’t think all that much has changed.