
Reasons to commute by bike: # sinΘ

Jul.23, 2008, filed under Miscellany

Fixed gear commuter racing. Against a reasonably attractive young man. Normally I’m the one in front providing the view. He was up for a bit of a burn, though, and I could not catch him until the roundabout above the bypass, where my approach coincided with the lights changing and he thought he’d dropped me so didn’t accelerate very hard.

That’ll wake you up in the morning.

If you were the rider of the orange fixed gear with the orange messenger bag (Crumpler?) travelling in the direction of Heriot Watt this morning along Calder Road being followed (then passed) by a red-head in a Sugoi Manga Jersey on an Il Pompino with Midge bars carrying a silver and black Timbuk2… Tighten your chain, man!

Lack of biscuity hug was disappointing today, though. I think it was vanilla shortbread on the way home yesterday.

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