Tweets for Today
Oct.28, 2008, filed under Miscellany
- 08:53 The weather’s gorgeous today. It’s so nice to see the sun. #
- 11:25 That’s the cloud cover coming in now. Knew it was too good to last 🙁 #
- 12:34 @kurreltheraven It’s almost impossible to find likeable raven merchandise *anywhere*. Mostly it’s goth or pagan crap. #
- 12:37 @kurreltheraven I mean, look at this rubbish. That’s a raven?!! #
- 12:50 Then again, there is this: I might have to get me one of those. #
- 13:23 @andygates For why? #
- 13:26 @andygates Oh! Shackleton’s lucky if he gets a plastic bag when it rains. #
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