Tweets for Today
Nov.17, 2008, filed under Miscellany
- 15:23 New blog post: childhood TV from the 70s and 80s was the best ever. #
- 15:26 Gods. Even the Thames TV fanfare gives me a nostalgic tingle: #
- 17:25 Sometimes I feel like Leonard of Quirm. So many ideas for stories zip through my poor brain, there isn’t time to write them all. #
- 17:26 FFS, I was only standing in the veg aisle waiting for Frood to return with satsumas! #
- 17:55 Is suffering from communication network overload. Responses to tweets on FB… Aaargh! It’ll be skype messages on LJ next. #
- 17:57 Or flickr images via PS3 network. #
- 17:57 YouTube on your lava lamps. #
- 17:57 And before you know it you’re trying to blog on a bath sponge and your brain is dribbling out through your belly button. #
- 18:55 @andygates (on FB) you’re NOT helping. #
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