
Institutionalised intolerance

Dec.23, 2008, filed under Miscellany

According to the BBC Pope Benedict XVI, bless his little pointy hat, has declared that “saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction”.

“Rainforests deserve, yes, our protection, but the human being … does not deserve it less,” quipped the tolerance-challenged and hyperbolically melodramatic religious leader.

Really. I’m not at all convinced that passing judgement on what people do or do not do in their private lives, or accusing those engaging in homosexual relationships of sinful activity, will have the same degree of impact on the human species as a whole as, for instance, making sure that all that trapped carbon isn’t released into the atmosphere and the orang-utans still have a place to live. Bumsex versus global warming. Hmmm. Let me see. Celebrity deathmatch?

I don’t think God would be half as much upset about folks engaging in loving relationships of any kind as he would be about the loss of probably millions of his creations — assuming, for the moment, that you believe that God created everything, and I’m guessing the Pope probably does. I suspect that the Almighty is far more concerned about the future of the aye-aye than he is about whether members of a portion of the population are complying with their nature — because, of course, God made them that way, too!

That particular aspect of the Catholic Church’s continuing stance against homosexuality has always confused me. If the Lord God Almighty made everything, then he made gays and lesbians and is probably quite happy with that, and who the hell does the Pope think he is to go around questioning it? Homosexuality exists in very many species. If the bipolar model were so damn necessary we wouldn’t have amoebas, FFS.

If he didn’t make everything then the Bible is fibbing. More literary than literal. Hmmm. Maybe that’s the problem. The Catholic Church has fallen for a spelling mistake!

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