Tweets for Today
Nov.28, 2008, filed under Miscellany
- 12:31 @splinister Congratulations. #
- 12:31 Having a day off. Probably just as well. A bit emotional today. #
- 13:05 @splinister So I can get away with not bringing a frock and shiny shoes? #
- 13:12 @splinister Well there’s no way Frood will go with me to see it. he won’t go to see horror. #
- 13:32 @splinister Haven’t seen the original, which probably gives me a fairer chance to enjoy the remake. #
- 14:31 I was about to go out to the post office for euros and to send a parcel. It just started snowing. #
- 15:26 Euros and freezing wet RB achieved. @kayucian a package is in the post to you as of today. #
- 15:50 Disappointed that @andygates has not posted picture of luminous pee. It’s TEH INTARNETS. The answer is always yes! #
- 17:03 Just snapped an ice cube tray in half. Wasn’t aware I was bending it. #
- 17:45 @splinister I don’t think any form of domestic energy is any more. #
- 18:54 @andygates Loon! #
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