Tweets for Today
Nov.09, 2008, filed under Miscellany
- 13:29 Trying to keep busy to distract from Frood being away, but being distracted from keeping busy by Frood being away 🙁 #
- 21:03 Finally hunger has produced enough activation energy to drive me to make dinner. Sometimes it’s an arse not being able to eat junk food. #
- 21:07 There’s something a bit odd about gaining a follower I don’t know who isn’t just spam. What did I do to deserve it? Am I that interesting? #
- 21:14 Off to torture myself with the rubbish that is Silent Hill. I haven’t seen it. I hear it sucks chunky goat vomit through a twisty straw. #
- 22:28 @andygates The what? #
- 00:43 I am reduced to playing Little Big Planet. #
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