
Life with Frood

Nov.07, 2008, filed under Miscellany

Friends came to dinner recently. Starter was soup. I’d made a decadently rich 8-carcass chicken soup, but one of the guests was a veggie, so Frood made French Onion Soup. I don’t like French Onion Soup, so that puts me out of the running order when it comes to making the stuff. I can’t tell whether it tastes nice because all French Onion Soup is teh nasteh, as far as I am concerned.

Said friend enjoyed this soup so much she asked for the recipe. Frood duly obliged. Sort of (sic throughout):

French onion soops.

Take ye a brace of fine middling to big onions.
Peel then bifurcate longitudinally.
Bifurcate the hemispheres longitudinally once more.
Take ye each quarter and thence slice latitudinally each quarter of an inch.
Take ye one high sided flat bottomed sauce pan a hands span in diameter.
Heat ye a brace of table spoons of olive oil whence a satisfying knob of well churned butter is added athwart it.
Fry thy onions in this mixture briskly for five of thine earth minutes.
Reduce ye now the heat.
Simmer ye for a solitary hour.
Stir ye thine onions occasionally at first.
As the colour of thy onions darkens the incidence of stirrings needs must be increased to prevent catching and burnings of such.
During this time adden ye mixed herbs and the pepper that is black.
Whence onions are shrivelled liken unto a well cooked onions, both carameralised and deepen of colour mahogany.
Add ye a generous splooshen or glugg of redden wine.
Thence adden some three quarters to an pint of vegetable stocks.
Cooks ye the pottage at a simmer for some half of an hour to allow concensuses of flavours.
Season ye more if required.

Eaten avec cruitons garliks or plains

Wilt feeden some ones to twos dependings on hunger and size of bowl.


Magister Frood


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