
Sam reviews (short version)

Oct.29, 2008, filed under Miscellany


This little gem of innocuousness is halfway between Deathwatch and Dog Soldiers. Same plot as Deathwatch, give or take; same style as Dog Soldiers, give or take. Definitely not as good as the latter, definitely better than the former. have to admire the guy who had to stay pretty much semi-comatose for most of the film. He didn’t even blink.


Trust me. Come the zombie apocalypse the Scots will not need some gun-wielding Sassenach female to save them. They will probably be really very happy to put a wall there because it will keep the English out. The Daily Wail brigade love an excuse to hate the English, and I’ll bet the SNP were right there on top of the wall waving the flag and yelling “Freedom!” in their best faux-Australian/American accent and cheering on the Smeatonator.

Could have been so much better. Wasn’t. Not, however, as big a pile of necrotic tosh as Sunshine. Not that this is saying very much.

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