
Down sides to cycle commuting #1 & 2

Jul.24, 2008, filed under Miscellany

There aren’t many. Today there were two. Both involving death on the roads.

(1) Road kill. Cars kill beasts, and cyclists are left to ride through the miasma of their rotting corpses. This morning it was a fox, and it had been fairly thoroughly shredded: probably in the wee hours of this morning, judging by the smell. The day was just beginning to heat up so it hadn’t had time to get going properly on the whole festering lark.

(2) Probably not one for the men: getting home and removing one’s bra to discover bugs killed by being squashed between boob and bra. I mean, I suppose some men fantasise about being crushed to death by 32DD bosoms, but I’m fairly sure that the flattened aphid I discovered had met its untimely end in my cleavage didn’t have the brain cells for pornographic fantasies.

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