
Where are my glow sticks? Oh. Right. Just here.

Apr.19, 2008, filed under Miscellany

Just arrived in my mailbox:

…to let you know we acknowledge you and respect your ancienty.

Carpe Diem,
The Raven Heads


Good word, dudes. Let’s take a look… Oh cool! A band! Destroy Him My Robots, eh? Personally I prefer a much faster bpm, but thanks for thinking of me. Der Stereotyp is better. That one’s really growing on me.

Anyway, just for mailing me, I shall tell my blogosphere that you guys can be heard playing in Terrassa (that’s Spain) on 17th May. I’m racing that weekend, and I live in Scotland, so I can’t make it.

I’m more into Psy Goa Trance, for the record. I’m a big fan of GMS and I like the Spun Records label.

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