
Slice the wind

Jan.03, 2008, filed under Miscellany

Dude!My new Global G-21 16cm boning knife is utterly fantastic. But dear gods treat it with respect. At one point there I wasn’t sure whether the blood on my fingers was from the chicky-bok I was butchering or I’d cut off something of mine without noticing. It makes the process of turning whole dead chickens into bits of dead chickens a real joy, as well as appealing to the part of me that would be base jumping and free climbing if I hadn’t caused so much damage to my body falling off mountains already.

That baby is most definitely living in its box until I get a special knife house that will keep the blade away from unsuspecting fingers. It’s the sort of utensil one washes and dries — very carefully — after each use just so one can put it away. Life is safer like that.

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