Coffee break weather check
Jan.03, 2008, filed under Miscellany
The thing with Scotland is that we have a maritime climate and we’re at the north end of a fairly small island nestling off the coast of a pretty enormous landmass. What this means is that amongst our many imports we include weather.
Today’s weather has been imported from Siberia (I’m serious) and thus it started snowing 15 minutes ago. As I am currently carless I commuted by bike today. Unfortunately, being unaware of the impending blizzard, I rode Shackleton, who is currently wearing Conti GP4000s in 700x25c. If I’d known, obviously I’d have fitted the Nokians to Max.
I have already declared that if the snow gets much worse I shall go home rather than be stuck here. There’s not much I can do today anyway.
Get worse, snow!