
Sad news

Nov.24, 2007, filed under Miscellany

He will be missedGordon Selway, respected cycling stalwart and one of the original old guard of UC-UK when it was still working and good, died last Sunday.

I don’t have many details, however I understand he passed away peacefully on a train.

My first memory of Gordon was as the large and affable gentleman who turned up to the inaugural UC-UK ride from Oxford to the White Horse at Uffington and back in the dim, distant and hazy past of 1999. My first ever proper distance ride, undertaken on an over-sized Raleigh Dynatech XC80 called Percival. Gordon, much to my newbie-cyclist astonishment, did the entire ride (including the climb up the hill, which Frood, Mike and I decided to skip) on an old, venerable, British touring bike with a typewriter stashed amongst the panniers.

As far as I could tell, he was still riding the same bike with the same luggage when I next bumped into him, at the end of the 2004 Dunwich Dynamo.

I will always remember Gordon as being someone who practised and encouraged, even insisted, but did not preach. He led by example, and his contributions to those cycle campaign lists on which we shared memebership were infrequent but erudite and pertinent.

He will be missed.

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