The time to play is now
Oct.28, 2007, filed under Miscellany
I’ve been using Podrunner on my Sony Walkman when running for absolute yonks. Only the faster BPMs work for me, which means a lot the slower mixes aren’t so good for my purposes, but I really like having an hour or so of fixed BPM when I’m running. My favourite is Velocity Angel, and has been ever since I downloaded it, even though the faster Velociraptor is slightly better paced. Having Velocity Angel’s opening sequence (in the words of DJ Steveboy “a gorgeous orchestral piece by Aluminium”) in my head got me through the tortuous run leg of the Edinburgh Sprint Triathlon in June.
Anyway, yay for Steve but boo for us. Podrunner has its first sponsor and the change in music licensing means that from 1st November the archives are disappearing. So if you’re a podrunner virgin, get your ass over there now and download a bunch.
…bus fare and fizzy juice! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!
[ObNonComprehending: the above line is stolen from a radio ad for Project Scotland, because every time the guy in the ad says “fizzy juice” I corpse. Play the video. it’s the same guy. And I felt like it. So there.]
[ObStillNonComprehending: in Scotland “juice” can refer to any soft drink. Not just stuff squeezed from fruit. So “a tin o’ fizzy juice” can be Lilt or Tango or even Irn Bru. In England “juice” only means stuff that comes from fruit.]