How can you tell when you spend too much time thinking about tri?
Sep.02, 2007, filed under Miscellany
When you’ve got a link to EntryCentral — postcode filtered — on your links bar.
Haddington is next weekend and will be my last triathlon this year. I can’t find an entry form for Balerno despite looking in all the places I can look and the website of the club that runs it has been down for months. So it doesn’t look like that will be a go-er. I haven’t done any running since Aberfeldy, which isn’t worrying me as much as it should given that I’m racing in a week. I’m going to go for one today after stripping down Peregrine’s headset (please let it be a simple grease problem!) I’m quite looking forward to the end of the season. I’m planning on spending the winter hill-running, mountain biking, walking and weight-training; although if I want to do a middle distance next autumn I can’t let up on the structured training for too long.
Frood and I had a great holiday in Gairloch, even though it rained and/or howled like a banshee almost the whole time. I’ll post about that later, after some quality mechanic time with my Pinarello.