Did we do this already?
Aug.07, 2007, filed under Miscellany
I’ve been tagged by Planet Mike, the bugger. I’ve known him since… er… oh… um… for twelve freakin’ years and this is what I get.
Apparently I now have to think up five facts that you probably didn’t know about me. As he’s tagged this rather than any other online persona of mine, it’ll have to tread the delicate line between being informative and being work safe. Good one, Mike.
1. I really, really, really wanted to be a fighter pilot when I was little. I wrote to the RAF and everything. They told me that I couldn’t join because I was a gurl and I only had the one eye. Chiz chiz.
2. Speaking of eyes, it pisses me off inordinately that I have to use an eye that looks ‘normal’ for everyday. It doesn’t bloody look normal. It stares, it doesn’t blink, it’s glassy (well, duh) and has a fixed, empty expression. Just the same, people look at that one rather than my actual functioning eye because right-handed people tend to look at other peoples’ right eyes. You hadn’t noticed that, had you? The black one may look freakish and bizarre but it’s not mistaken for anything other than a malfunctioning, weird-ass crazy thing; it provokes conversation; and it induces people to look me in the eye properly when talking to me instead of wondering why I’m apparently not paying attention despite looking straight at them. I’m not normal. No one bloody is. Why should I pretend to be just to suit narrow-minded conservatives?
3. I still have invisible friends. I don’t see why this should be a problem. Some people never grow out of spaghetti hoops: I didn’t ever grow out of my invisible friends. I don’t foist them on others or expect a place at table for them (what with them being invisible and lacking in physical substance), so that should be just fine with everyone.
4. I have 5 bikes. They argue. No, like seriously dude. They fight. It’s a right pain. Bar tape gets pulled and paint gets scratched. Sometimes I have to swap them round just so I can change which one is in the naughty corner.
5. Also when pretty young I applied to study under the Koestler Chair of Parapsychology at Edinburgh University. The Chair had only just been established that year and they told me they weren’t taking students. I’d have to get a degree in psychology first.
So there you go. Hope that satisfies. Do I have to tag someone else now or can I let this die?