Tweets for Today
by ravenbait on Nov.20, 2008, under Miscellany
- 14:07 Back from joint ops. Knackered. Just about enough energy to log on from home and prod a spreadsheet. Yoga later. #
- 20:04 @sndear Gok Wan is a closet perv, I’m sure. #
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by ravenbait on Nov.19, 2008, under Miscellany
Having watched some of the remake the other night, I would like to say that the Scaryduck version of the original is made of win.
So tell me
by ravenbait on Nov.18, 2008, under Miscellany
Is there some connection between LJ going offline for four hours and Twitter breaking? I’m not even getting the fail whale.
Tweets for Today
by ravenbait on Nov.17, 2008, under Miscellany
- 15:23 New blog post: childhood TV from the 70s and 80s was the best ever. tinyurl.com/57bhap #
- 15:26 Gods. Even the Thames TV fanfare gives me a nostalgic tingle: tinyurl.com/yuqss2 #
- 17:25 Sometimes I feel like Leonard of Quirm. So many ideas for stories zip through my poor brain, there isn’t time to write them all. #
- 17:26 FFS, I was only standing in the veg aisle waiting for Frood to return with satsumas! #
- 17:55 Is suffering from communication network overload. Responses to tweets on FB… Aaargh! It’ll be skype messages on LJ next. #
- 17:57 Or flickr images via PS3 network. #
- 17:57 YouTube on your lava lamps. #
- 17:57 And before you know it you’re trying to blog on a bath sponge and your brain is dribbling out through your belly button. #
- 18:55 @andygates (on FB) you’re NOT helping. #
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Before he turned bad
by ravenbait on Nov.16, 2008, under Miscellany
This is what Tony Robinson used to do in the days when his work was quality, long before the apocalypse onna stick that is Time Team.
I just need to find the episode that had Ferruch the greenfly in it.
While I’m at it
by ravenbait on Nov.16, 2008, under Miscellany
Gods I loved that programme.
But why did Wordsworth have a west-country accent?
Part 2, to save you looking for it.
Sometimes, looking back on my childhood viewing habits, I wonder that I have any capacity for socially normal mental function at all. Yay!
Ebullient Bundy the Magic Rabbit. Splort.
Yes, yes I can get it on DVD. And Chorlton! And Fingerbobs! And Mary, Mungo and Midge!
But no Towser or Tales From Fat Tulip’s Garden. Sniffle.
Life with Frood
by ravenbait on Nov.16, 2008, under Miscellany
I just found the theme tune for Sapphire and Steel on our computer. Guess who put it there?
If you were spared the experience as a kid, you can get a flavour of it by watching this montage of bits and pieces and, more importantly, reading the comments. For instance:
It made me shit myself. I was only 6.
Yeah well, this shit was like the worst trip I ever took, only I was 9
Plus, the little montage is better than the book after which it was named, as well as making the show seem a lot better than it really was.
Hmmm. Can I get Jamie and the Magic Torch on DVD?
Tweets for Today
by ravenbait on Nov.16, 2008, under Miscellany
- 13:01 There is something utterly strange about seeing @stephenfry speak in lols. #
- 13:35 I changed my profile picture. Now I has ears. #
- 13:36 Frood has been creating rocket cars on LBP ever since he got up this morning. Plus all last night. And the night before. #
- 13:37 @andygates Wow. That is awesome. Bacterial Swarm FTW! #
- 17:05 @andygates How come your profile pic on twitpic is the same as here? #
- 17:12 twitpic.com/lxrf – I’d forgotten all about Bertie rat until I was looking through my pictures today. #
- 17:24 Frood’s sackperson just hit my sackperson with a frying pan! Waah! #
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Mum! Mum! MUM!
by ravenbait on Nov.15, 2008, under Miscellany
Frood is building a JCB on Little Big Planet!
Tell him to stop building stupid vehicles and get on with something we can play!