This page is designed to indroduce newcomers to the ancient art of divination using the elder futhark runeset. This particular system of divination dates back almost forty years to Woodstock, NY when an enterprising hippie decided that if anything looked ancient, it could be used to turn a profit. Now you can unlock the sacred mysteries for yourself with this simple, easy-to-understand divination guide. Simply click on a rune to learn of its hidden mysteries.
fehu is associated with cattle, and therefore represents fulfillment, material gain, and wealth. In divination, fehu warns that everything you've worked so hard for is about to become lost; your house is about to get robbed or perhaps you will be mugged on the way home. You may even have your car stolen or lose your job.
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ur is a symbol of a wild ox, representing health, resistance, will and change. the phrase "healthy as an ox" comes to mind, but has little meaning when you realise that in divination, ur means helplessness, disease, obsession and being easily manipulated by others.
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thorn represents Mjollnir, the hammer of Thor and has long been used as a symbol of protection and luck. Its meaning in divination is thwarting others' plans, a forceful personality, bullying behavious, excessive force, forcing your will on someone, male sexuality, generally being a big pain in the arse.
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ansuz means mouth, and represents the word of god, wisdom or a possible examination or test. in divination, this is a very fortunate rune indeed. it suggests that you are about to be given a message from god or receive divine instruction. this wisdom must be given to the masses at all costs; information does no good hidden away. the test or exam referred to most likely points to the entrance examinations at the mental health facility you will undoubtedly end up being admitted to for claiming to be a direct descendent of the divine.
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raidho indicates travel, movement and a possible journey. this rune in your spread could represent a well-deserved holiday, a nice weekend away or possibly even becoming a fugitive from the law. the authorities have been notified; it would be most wise to start packing now.
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ken indicates the element of fire, strength, energy and creativity. its divinatory meanings are varied, but usually involve getting burned by dabbling in too many esoteric arts that someone such as yourself has no business getting involved in. if this rune shows up in your spread, you should immediately donate all your crystals, prepackaged herbs and silver ravenwolf/starhawk books to your local goodwill; it really will save you much embarassment down the line.
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gifu has a traditional meaning of a gift, partnership, and generosity.
in divination, the same holds true but takes a more serious note; when gifu turns up in a runecaset you can be sure to expect an unplanned pregnancy or breakup; a trip to the free clinic might also be in order as the gift your partner gave you might be the kind that keeps giving. better to have it checked now before it gets too untreatable.
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wunjo indicates joy, happiness, success and luck. when you draw this rune,
you can be assured that all these things will come to you in a short time. you can secure this future with a videotaped copy of this reading, meditation book, runeset replica, dreamcatcher and mystical herbs for only £99-95.
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hagal suggests hail, and means delays and frustration. if hagal makes
its presence known, you can be sure that job offer will fall through, your love will go unrequited, you will be stuck in long lines at the grocery store and traffic jams are imminent. don't make any plans; you aren't going anywhere any time soon when hagal comes into play.
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nied indicates patience and the wisdom of thinking twice before action. when this rune appears in your spread, you're just going to have to keep waiting for that pathetic life to start to take shape. free will and logic suggest that you get off you patchouli-saturated arse to actually make something out of your life, but this contradicts the timeless wisdom of nied.
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isa has connections with ice, evidenced by its meanings of stagnation and freezing of situations. get comfortable cause you aren't going anywhere any time soon. Although viewed as helpful to many, any time you draw isa, you specifically can expect more of the same. Nothing is going to change until you stop getting distracted by pretty rocks.
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jera, meaning year, typically means harvest, the concept of karma and reaping what you sow. An enlightened soul such as yourself is probably safe from future harm and retribution. Should you have any doubts about unfinished past life work coming back to smack you upside your thick head with reality, this safety can be secured with the acquisition of protective herbs and a Genuine Rune Pendant Studded with Diamelles available from this publisher for a modest love offering.
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sowilo realates to protection. You may have realised at this point that many of these runes deal with protective energy. This is not because those followers who have come to seek the Timeless Wisdom of the Mystic Runes have something sacred about them worth protecting, on the contrary, nature loves a victim. You may be wise to seek the wisdom of Chicken for further information.
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peorth is a secret. forget anyone mentioned it.
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eolh means friendship or a new influence. You will linely never see this particular rune in a session, since if you actually had any friends you wouldn't be playing with shiny rocks.
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sigel represents strength and power. Those who wear this rune are said to possess great physical ability and stamina. If you are lacking any of these physical attributes, keeping this rune on your person will surely improve your frail frame. Don't have the time to create your own? Not to worry! We have a large assortment of Sigel Sigils available wherever the discriminating neopagan shops.
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tir, meaning victory, self confidence and motivation, is another rune which has strong conections with the male principle. This rune favours the "movers and shakers" and generally shies away from the timid. As its phallic shape suggests, its divinatory meaning is being a big prick.
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beorc has traditional ties to birth and the family. If this rune shows
up, it might be a good idea to start looking for a second job to support that new little tax-deduction the stork is about to deliver.
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ehwaz relates tales of progress, movement and a new home. Pack your bags! This rune suggests that as part of your spiritual educatio you are about to learn a new lesson of physical survival: you are likely to be evicted.
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manaz translates into man and interdependence. Every living thing depends on other things to survive. Despite feelings of isolation and insecurity inherent in modern living, you are an integral part of the web of life. Millions of new-age publishing companies, telepsychics, card readers and consultants depend on you for your hard-earned cash. Manaz reminds you to consider your place in the web of cashflow.
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lagaz rules feminine intution, mystery and a good memory. When this particular rune makes its presence known, you can be pretty confident that yes, she knows the real reason you were late coming home those nights all those years ago. Sleep lightly.
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ing means successful completion and relief. In a reading, this usually translates into a divorce, eviction or losing your job. Should you ask yourself how this can be a positive influence, keep in mind all the relief and freedom that no job, significant other, home or any other responsibilities would bring you.
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daeg indicates increase, stable growth and the possibilities brought on by the new day. Unfortunately, its wisdom will have little effect on your present state as you are most likely pissing your life away at an all-night restaurant or in a run-down bedsit staring at pretty rocks, having no intention of going out and actually doing anything with your life.
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othel signifies materialism and possessions. Though this may seem a contradictory goal when dealing with spiritual matters, one must remember that balance is a key goal and the more material aspects should not be ignored. To assist you in attaining this rather delicate and tricky balancing act, a hand-tooled leatherbound handbook and companion audio compact disc are available for just £179-99 at most retailers.
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wyrd does not exist. Don't even worry about it.
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